Does a CPAP Machine Need to be Prescribed?

Does a CPAP Machine Need to be Prescribed?

In the US, sleep apnea is high on the list of the most frequent sleep disorders. Sleep apnea, characterized by irregular breathing patterns during sleep, can have a devastating effect on a person’s ability to get a good night’s rest and carry on with their daily activities.

Although making modifications to your lifestyle can help alleviate your sleep apnea symptoms in the long run, many doctors choose to use CPAP machines instead. In order to prevent airway obstruction while you sleep, CPAP therapy uses pressured air delivered through your nose and mouth.

Getting a CPAP machine for the first time requires a doctor’s prescription. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of a CPAP prescription, the steps involved in obtaining one, and the best places to buy CPAP machines. Click here for CPAP Vs. APAP; Which Should You Use?

Buying a CPAP Machine: Do You Need a Prescription?

A CPAP machine is available for purchase with a valid medical prescription. Even though continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is one of the most effective ways to cure the symptoms of sleep apnea, it requires a visit to the doctor.

Schedule a visit to the doctor if you or a loved one is exhibiting symptoms of sleep apnea. Upon diagnosis, your doctor will prescribe CPAP therapy. Once you have been prescribed CPAP, you can start looking for a suitable device.

But, why do you need a prescription?

Despite the low potential for misuse, a prescription is necessary to guarantee that your CPAP therapy is effective and tailored to your needs. The Food and Drug Administration downgraded CPAP machines from Class III to Class II in 2018.

The Food and Drug Administration thought that this move would reduce regulatory roadblocks, boost product development, and make treatments more available to patients. Despite the revised label, a doctor’s prescription is still required before purchasing a CPAP machine and beginning CPAP therapy.

The inconvenience of needing a prescription to purchase CPAP equipment is outweighed by the benefits to patients. If you require a prescription, it’s time to talk to your doctor about what ails you.

Having a discussion with your doctor before beginning CPAP treatment will help you get insight into:

  • A diagnosis of sleep apnea (there are different types)
  • The optimal style of housing for your requirements (CPAP, BiPAP, or APAP)
  • How to choose the optimal CPAP mask and delivery system
  • Symptomatically appropriate pressure settings
  • Identifying the right time to repair essential parts

The added benefit of a doctor keeping an eye on your progress should help your treatment work better. It’s possible that CPAP therapy won’t alleviate your symptoms if you try to use it without your doctor’s supervision. Having a prescription also permits you to get your CPAP machine and accessories covered by your health insurance.

Therefore, avoid buying a CPAP machine from a store that doesn’t require a prescription. It’s possible that the CPAP machines they’re selling aren’t safe and approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

How to Get a CPAP Prescription?

Recognizing sleep apnea’s symptoms and scheduling an appointment with a doctor are the first steps toward getting a CPAP prescription. The most prevalent kind of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Indicators of this disorder include:

  • Snoring that occurs frequently and loudly
  • Abnormalities in breathing
  • Gasping or choking upon awakening
  • Intense waking up
  • Sleeplessness during night
  • Irregular daytime sleepiness
  • Poor sleep and a pounding head in the morning
  • Swings in an empathetic response

Central sleep apnea (CSA) is a subtype of sleep apnea disorder. The symptoms of CSA may be less obvious than those of OSA because the airway is not physically closed.

Sleep apnea can have serious consequences, so if you notice any of the warning signs listed here, it’s time to see a doctor. Consult your primary care provider first. Your symptoms will be assessed, and you may be sent to a sleep doctor if one is needed.

If you need CPAP therapy, you can get a prescription from any licensed medical practitioner, including your primary care physician. A thorough sleep study, however, can be administered by a professional in the field of sleep medicine. Though self-reports are helpful, sleep study data provide a more complete picture of your symptoms.

Polysomnography is another name for the nightly clinical test known as a sleep study. Even while polysomnography is often administered by sleep specialists at a sleep clinic, some doctors may choose to deliver a simpler version that can be done at home.

Multiple physiological parameters, including but not limited to heart rate, breathing, oxygen levels, respiratory effort, eye movement activity, muscle activity, and electrical activity of the heart and brain, are routinely measured in polysomnography.

Your sleep specialist will review the results of your sleep study, make a diagnosis, and recommend a treatment plan when you’ve had enough time to rest. A CPAP machine may be prescribed to you if your doctor determines that you have sleep apnea.

Where Can you get CPAP Machines?

After obtaining a CPAP prescription from your doctor, you can start looking for a CPAP machine and accessories. Several retailers stock CPAP machines and they are as follows:

  • Insurance company
  • An area sleep center
  • Retailers who mostly operate within the virtual realm
  • Traditional stores selling medical supplies and instruments
  • You can also get one from our online store at

It’s worth noting that some insurance companies won’t cover the purchase of a CPAP machine, forcing you to rent one instead. 

Keep in mind that you still need a prescription in order to purchase a CPAP machine, even if you plan on doing so online. Finding a reputable internet retailer that specializes in CPAP supplies is typically a simple task. 

Normal methods of transmitting prescriptions via electronic means include email, online file upload, and fax. It’s important to remember that you’ll need a CPAP prescription in order to buy several of the CPAP supplies you’ll need, such as a mask and a humidifier.